Call us today at: (269) 775-1311

Our infant room provides a warm and welcoming environment for children aged 6 weeks to 1-year-old.

How We Teach

Each day we focus on developing a supportive and trusting relationship with your child to give them the opportunity to learn with their whole body and all of their senses. Our classroom is stocked with a variety of sensory-motor materials for your baby to explore in their own way, at their own pace, in order to foster growth and development. Our space is organized into play and care areas to ensure that once your child has had plenty of stimulation, they have a calm and quiet space to rest.

Schedules & Routines: We provide a consistent, yet flexible routine to accommodate each individual child’s needs. We develop an individual lesson plan for each baby to ensure age-appropriate development and active learning.

Developmental Areas

Our teachers use facial expressions, sign language, and verbal cues to communicate with your baby and provide them with the building blocks of language. We incorporate story time and singing aloud into your child’s every day routine to help them learn about language and the written word.

We use games such as peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake to encourage your baby to focus attention and practice using their working memory.

Although all caregivers will interact with your child, in order to develop a special bond, your baby will have a primary caregiver who will provide your baby with responsive care to foster a sense of familiarity, comfort, and safety. We use strong, positive relationships as a way to help your child develop trust, empathy, and compassion.

We understand that the first year of life is critical for your baby’s physical development and that their needs change rapidly. We encourage fine and gross motor exploration daily through activities such as tummy time, and provide developmentally appropriate equipment to promote crawling, reaching, grasping, and climbing.

Our teachers use play to promote thinking, understanding, and problem solving skills. We utilize things like story time, stacking toys, and sensory exploration to help your baby understand the world around them.

We encourage your baby to foster creativity through activities such as music and dancing, and once developmentally appropriate, we incorporate hands-on, open-ended art activities, such as finger painting to their daily routine.


KidFit Daycare utilizes the Creative Curriculum in each classroom.   Creative Curriculum includes developmentally appropriate goals and objectives for children within four main categories of interest: social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language. The social/emotional stage helps promote independence, self-confidence and self-control.  Well-prepared teachers support and extend each child’s learning based on their developmental levels, so children enter school ready and eager to learn.

Providing high-quality, safe, and developmentally appropriate care for children ages 6 weeks to 12 years.

KidFit Daycare strives to provide children with an encouraging educational experience promoting social, emotional, and cognitive development with an emphasis on physical health and wellness.

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